
Drawing the Ideal Self Podcast 

Available on most podcast providers and on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/@drawingtheidealself

Brain injury and PCP: an interview with Cathy Sparkes Ep. 14

Thursday, July 29, 2021

As promised, this month’s episode is an interview with Cathy Sparkes, Speech and Language Therapist and PCP Counsellor/Psychotherapist. Cathy works with people with brain injury and talks about how she uses PCP in her work and the impact of brain injury on identity. Cathy offers supervision and coaching: https://cathysparkes.co.uk. The details for things she highlighted as useful are:

Dependency grid - Helen Jones: https://youtu.be/J0bNBP5tH4g

Peggy Dalton’s book A Psychology for Living ISBN 0-471-93549-2

Cathy’s paper A personal construct approach to aphasia is published in 

  • Psychotherapy and Aphasia: Interventions for Emotional Wellbeing and Relationships (Neuro-disability & Psychotherapy: Specialist Topics) Edited by Kate H. Meredith and Giles N. Yeates. (2020). 

There are also online international Constructivist Meet Ups with videos of last year’s events that you can watch for free. Sessions are either talks with small group discussion afterwards, or workshops (the videos are of the talks or intro presentation only). The content varies in complexity and prior knowledge required. Some are what I would describe as highly technical or philosophical and some are very practical with ideas you can try out. There are a couple below that might be particularly useful and require little theoretical knowledge. If you have a dissertation or thesis to do in the next few years then watch The Extra-Ordinary Added Value of Conducting Research using Constructivist Approaches by Pam Denicolo, Marie-Louise Österlind, Shane Dowle & Kim Bradley-Cole. If you work with children and young people, then try Kelly in the Classroom: Making the Implicit Explicit by Vivienne Baumfield. 

To get onto the mailing list, contact Harry Procter: harryprocter20@gmail.com
