Drawing the Ideal Self Podcast
This month’s episode is focussed on Finn Tschudi’s ABC. This is a great tool for exploring change to a preferred pole of a construct and elaborating some of the barriers to change. I use two examples and talk through them in the podcast.
Tschudi, F. (1977). ABC model' (Loaded and Honest Questions: A Construct Theory View of Symptoms and Therapy. In Don Bannister (Ed.), New Perspectives in Personal Construct Theory. Academic Press: London).
Tschudi, F. and Sandsberg, S. On the advantages of symptoms: Exploring the client's construing. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 1984, 25, 169-177).
Tschudi, F. and Winter, D. (2011). The ABC Model Revisited. In Personal Construct Methodology (eds P. Caputi, L.L. Viney, B.M. Walker and N. Crittenden).
PCPA You Tube interview about ABC, with John Fisher and Helen Jones
ABC examples can be viewed here.