
Drawing the Ideal Self Podcast 

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PCP in an Educational Psychologist’s practice: an interview with Sam Beasley. Ep. 28

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

This month is an interview with Sam Beasley, Educational Psychologist, working in Hampshire, UK.  It is not only for educational psychologists because there will practitioners in lots of services that work in similar ways to EPs - professionals who have very limited time in their contact with children and young people. Sam talks about how her interest in PCP began and how she uses PCP within her work as an educational psychologist with children, adolescents and adults.  If you know any educational psychologists, or any trainee or assistant EPs, please tell them about this month’s episode. 

There are a number of things Sam mentioned which I have linked to below. You can listen to the podcast interview with Abi and Cleo about the CEDS for this podcast - episode 15, August 2021.


The Children’s Exploratory Drawings: http://theceds.co.uk/

Self Image Profile: https://www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/store/ukassessments/en/Store/Professional-Assessments/Personality-&-Biopsychosocial/Normal/Self-Image-Profiles/p/P100009227.html

Blob Trees: https://www.blobtree.com 

Gogos (by Crazy Bones): do a Google search (they are available second hand)

Using Personal Construct Psychology in Practice with Children and Adolescents: 


Salmon Lines: Salmon (1995) Psychology in the Classroom: Reconstructing Teachers and Learners


Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational Psychology Service https://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/educationalpsychology/aboutus 

Southampton University Educational Psychology Doctorate course https://www.southampton.ac.uk/psychology/postgraduate/research_degrees/courses/doctorate_in_educational_psychology_pgr.page 
