
Drawing the Ideal Self Podcast 

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The impact of a physical illness or injury on construing. Ep. 27

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

This month’s episode is about the impact on our construing of having a of physical illness or injury. I found a really useful  PCP model in a paper by Linda Viney (1990): Constructivist Model of Psychological Reactions to Physical Illness and Injury. Everyone will have experience of illness and injury, so I hope this will have universal appeal. 

 If you would like a written copy of the model, it can be downloaded from the RESOURCES page of this website.


Viney, Linda L.  (1990). Constructivist Model of Psychological Reactions to Physical Illness and Injury. Chapter in Neimeyer G.J., and Neimeyer, R.A., (1990) Advances in Personal Construct Psychology, Vol.1, Pages 117 to 151. ISBN: 1-55938-081-0

Unvaccinated BBC2:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0019g27

Making Sense of Cancer BBC Horizon: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0017wzq 

Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing: https://dimensions.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/ 

You Tube https://youtu.be/C2QXih0RrXI 
