Drawing the Ideal Self Podcast
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October’s episode is about the importance of the choice of a bag and its contents. This was inspired by an episode of Thinking Allowed (BBC Radio 4) where a paper was discussed about handbags and identity in dementia, and I give an outline of what they had to say. It made me think more about the bag in Drawing the Ideal Self and the way a bag and its contents illustrate the construing of self - both non-ideal and ideal. You can read the paper free using the link below.
Women with dementia and their handbags: negotiating identity, privacy and 'home' through material culture.
Use, C. & Twigg, J. (2014) Journal of Ageing Studies, Aug; 30:14-22
The psychology of stuff and things.
Christian Jarrett on our lifelong relationship with objects
What’s in your man bag? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandhealth/gallery/2008/mar/28/fashion1
Identity Kit series of photos of the bags of homeless people by Moyra Peralta
Interview with Moyra Peralta about her photos of homeless people:
Handbags as time capsules of self-identity: