The monthly DiS podcast

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A Personal Guilt Ep. 4

Saturday, October 3, 2020
{"time":1664660817995,"blocks":[{"id":"mmUB-DM6es","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"September's episode is about the way Kelly defines guilt - it is very different from the dictionary definition and is a really useful construct. I give a very personal example of my recent experience of being stuck because of experiencing guilt and how I was able to reconstrue and move on. I hope this helps you to understand what it is about and how you might help someone else or yourself.","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"Twy-SQn01t","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"You can find out more about Kelly\u2019s definition of guilt in The Psychology of Personal Constructs Vol. 1, Chapter 10, Dimensions of Transition.","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"__M96u3fIW","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Bannister\u2019s (2005) helpful rewording of Kelly is in an interesting chapter:","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"d-WnSu77fS","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"\u201cYour core role structure is what you understand yourself to be.\u2026 guilt is experienced not because one has defied and upset social taboos but because you have misread yourself.\u201d","alignment":"left"}},{"id":"yleYSbR0bQ","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Bannister, D. (2005): the Logic of Passion. Chapter 2 in Fransella, F. (Ed.) (2005) The Essential Practitioner\u2019s Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology.","alignment":"left"}}],"version":"2.25.0","base":{"title":"A Personal Guilt Ep. 4","subtitle":"","cover":null,"publish_date":"20221001"}}